The bench press assessment is for estimating one-rep maximums as well as training intensity. It is an advanced assessment and not suitable for all individuals. If your goals are strength specific then this is an assessment that you’ll want to include. When performing this assessment it is essential that you adhere to strict form.
To perform the bench press assessment you’ll need a friend or a way to record yourself.
- Begin by getting into a bench press position.
- Back flat on a bench, feet pointing straight ahead, lower back in a neutral position.
- Start by warming up with a light weight that can be performed for 8-10 reps.
- Rest for 60 seconds.
- Add 10-20 pounds to the bar and perform 3-5 reps.
- Rest for 120 seconds.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until reaching failure between 3-5 reps.
- Record your results.
Once you have completed the bench press assessment and you have your findings refer to a one-rep max estimation chart to calculate your one-rep max.